Master project in CNSMD of Lyon
Nouvelles perdues,
une séparation inaccomplie
sound installation
for danse and electronics
Le Labyrinthe de Thanatos
for 4 musiciens and electronics
for video
for duo marimba, ensemble and electronics
Nouvelles perdues,
une séparation inaccomplie
Écoulisse (extrait)
a place of contemplation, silence and life in the heart of the city of Colmar.
dance and electronics
duration 10
creation 2025
commissioned by ACEAC
Le Labyrinthe de Thanatos
The concept of Thanatos is often defined through two perspectives: Thanatos, the god of death in Greek mythology, and Thanatos in Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory. The Thanatos Labyrinth draws on the latter psychological concept.
In Freudian theory, Thanatos represents the death drive, as opposed to Eros, the drive for life and survival. According to Freud, human behavior is guided by these two fundamental drives. Thanatos encompasses destructive and aggressive drives, as well as suicidal tendencies. It reflects the instinctive desire of living beings to return to a state of original peace.
Thanatos' Labyrinth explores this notion by focusing on the theme of drive. The composition of the piece constantly presents new figures and sound images, evoking the desire to return to this original state symbolized by Thanatos.
Each part of this work was carefully designed to represent destructive impulses through various contrasts. The evolution of these contrasting figures and their perception by the audience were at the heart of the artistic approach of this composition.
The Labyrinth of Thanatos offers an artistic exploration of the dark instincts of human beings and the drives that result from them. Through the prism of Thanatos, this work illuminates our unconscious destructive desires and our quest for tranquility. Listeners are invited to delve within themselves, to better understand the complex relationship between instinct and drive.
flute, saxophone, piano, percussion and electronics
duration 8mins
creation 2024
dedicated to Proxima Centauri
En trac te
When the wait
becomes a work
real time
video project
Love always comes unexpectedly. Just when I firmly declare that I will never meet anyone again so as not to lose someone again, as it is natural to cross the road when the light is green, my whole body stopped in front of love like a red light. While I was wavering, shaken like a reed by the wind, you came to me, like a breeze. Now, after running to the moment when I wanted us to be destined, when I knew we were destined, when I was certain. Never say that you will never fall in love again. Love suddenly comes, breaks my heart that had sworn not to love, and sets off fireworks in front of me.
Marimba duo, large ensemble and electronics
Duration 20mins
Creation 2025
Dedicated to Duo Haikai
Directed by Rémi Durupt
Duo Haïkaï